Become a Missioner
Are you on fire after attending an ACTS Retreat? Can’t wait to share the experience with others? Share your joy as we are called to go forth and serve our community by becoming an ACTS Missioner.
ACTS Missions (ACTSM)
We are a lay-led Catholic apostolate whose mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ among Catholic communities through ACTS Retreats. The intent and purpose of the Retreat is three-fold: offer the opportunity for a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, foster intentional discipleship, and build parish community. The headquarters for ACTS Missions is in San Antonio, TX. We also have ACTSM Chapters in 21 locations across the US and 1 in Mexico who support parishes and Cores in their region. Chapters are regional volunteers who focus on education and evangelization.
ACTS Missioners
We have many willing and dedicated volunteers who join mission retreat teams through our headquarters or Chapters. These teams take ACTS Retreats to new parishes in the US and countries around the world. With the help of our micro-funding campaign, ACTS Missioners, we provide training, support, and scholarships to enable mission teams to serve new parishes. Not all of us can leave our homes and go to distant places, but all of us can become spiritual missionaries and share the work.
As an ACTS Missioner…
We invite you to share the journey with others by:
- Committing to a rosary and/or an hour of adoration each month for the work of ACTSM to spread the ACTS Retreat.
- Encouraging at least one person per year to attend an ACTS Retreat in their parish.
- Contributing a minimum of $5 monthly.

Your Support
Your membership supports the activities of ACTSM, including offering scholarships and supporting your local ACTSM Chapter.
Members receive the following benefits:
Missioners Pin
Missioners Prayer Card & Membership Card
Missioners-only Spiritual Resources
July Birthday Mass Dedication at OST
Oblate Missions Perpetual Mass Enrollment for 1st Annual Anniversary of Giving
Join Online
Your financial commitment to ACTSM supports the apostolate and allows us to take the ACTS retreat around the world. You may join online (credit cards) to sign up for automatic monthly or annual payments by clicking the button below.
Join By Mail
Or register by mail (checks or money order) by Mail to:
ACTS Missions
ATTN: Mission Advancement Dept.
7711 Madonna Drive
San Antonio, TX 78216
ACTS Missions is a non-profit exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code: Ein 74-2860112.
Missionary Award
Mik & Carol Stehling experienced the life-changing impact of ACTS retreats over 30 years ago. As ACTS alumni continue saying yes to generosity, the missionary spirit will continue reaching generations to come.
St. Therese the Little Flower
The Patron Saint of the ACTS Missioners
St. Therese the Little Flower is the patron saint of the ACTS Missioners because of her simple and direct commitment to the tasks and people that she encountered in her everyday life. As ACTS Missioners, we commit ourselves to simple prayer, extending an invitation for others to share in Christ’s love, and a small financial contribution to further the mission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Help Spread the Word
Would you like to help spread the word of ACTS Missioners? If so, then click the button below. By clicking” Spread the Word” you will be redirected to an email. Please provide us with your contact information and someone will contact you soon.