Retreat Scholarship Program
A Shared Responsibility
The funding of an ACTS retreat is a shared responsibility between the parish, the team and the retreatants.
In cases where there is a financial need, the goal of our scholarship assistance program is to provide for the following:
- Mission retreat teams (taking ACTS to a new parish) funds are limited and will not exceed $500 US dollars.
- Individual Religious Scholarship (Religious who would like to attend an ACTS Retreat as a Retreatant: Priests, Deacons, Nuns, Brothers, and Seminarians)
- Individual Partial Scholarship (for up to five retreatants per ACTS Retreat) but must not exceed $250 US dollars.
Scholarship Request Forms
Retreat Directors and Mission Directors may apply for financial assistance by completing the appropriate Application Form. Information submitted, along with the scholarship request, will not be shared outside of ACTS Missions.
Submissions must be made 4 to 6 weeks prior to retreat date.
Mission Retreat Scholarship
For taking ACTS to a new parish
Individual Partial Scholarship
For individuals who desire to attend an ACTS retreat.
Individual Religious Scholarship
For the religious who would like to attend an ACTS Retreat.